Fabulous reads – Book tackles child’s transgender journey

Book review - This is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel.

This is How it Always Is, Laurie Frankel, Jonathan Ball Publishers, ISBN: 9781472241597

FRANKEL has addressed a number of interesting points in her third standalone novel, This is How It Always is.

While there are surely other books addressing the topic of transgender children, this is quickly becoming the go-to fiction novel for 2017.

Frankel uses her real-life experience of raising her own transgender child and spins it into a humorous and sometimes heart-breaking rendition of life with a trans child.

Claude is Rosie and Penn’s fifth son and as he reaches the tender age of five, he puts on a dress and there’s no taking it off of him.

He also wants hair long enough for him to sit on.

He’s different and Frankel explores not only the parenting challenges faced with the liberal view of transgender kids, but also the social implications that come with the family’s decision.

They decide to keep Claude’s gender a secret. Until it’s not anymore.

We follow Rosie’s journey over five years.

Sometimes it makes you cry and sometimes it makes you angry but mostly it changes you a little, page by page.

Frankel has written a beautiful narrative of Rosie and her story covering both the challenges and the victories.

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