Westville girls sing under the sea

This year, Westville Girls’ High School pupils brings this musical to the stage in a production of Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jnr.

THE Little Mermaid is a classic fairytale by the famed author, Hans Christian Andersen. The story of the mermaid, Ariel, and her quest to leave the sea behind in favour of becoming human has delighted readers and audiences for generations.

In 1989, Disney released an animated musical based on the tale, which has become the version that most of us remember and love. This year, Westville Girls’ High School pupils brings this musical to the stage in a production of Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jnr.

The Roy Couzens Theatre at Westville Boys’ High School will host the production, which runs from Monday, 11 April to Saturday, 16 April. The Monday night show is a special school night where pupils in uniform may attend the performance for R20 each. Other tickets are priced at R50 each and all performances start at 7pm.

For bookings, contact Nicola via e-mail tickets@wghs.co.za.

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