NSRI issues spring tide warning

The NSRI have said the full moon means stronger than normal rip currents will affect the coast.

WITH more people on the beaches at this time of the year, the NSRI is urging the public to be extra cautious between now and 8 January during the full moon Spring tide.

The tide will peak on the full moon on Monday 5 January and will cause stronger than normal rip currents around the coast peaking on Monday and lasting until around 9 January.

The NSRI is urging extreme public caution around the coast over the next few days. Very strong rip currents will be present around the coast during this time.

According to the NSRI, a Spring tide happens twice every month, at full moon and at new moon. Spring tides bring a higher than normal high tide and a lower than normal low tide, causing stronger than normal rip currents, for a few days leading up to the full moon and the new moon, peaking on the day of the full moon and new moon and lasting for a few days after the full moon or new moon. Rip currents are always present and dangerous, and the Spring tide creates stronger than normal rip currents and hence the danger is increased.

Rip currents are caused when the water reaching the shoreline in waves, swells and sea currents needs to find a way to retreat back into the sea and this is achieved in rip currents. Temporary rip currents, found along beachfronts are forever changing their position and are unpredictable and can form suddenly along a beach front without warning at different places along the shore front throughout the day.

During Spring tide these permanent rip currents and temporary rip currents are stronger than normal and although rip currents at all times pose a danger to bathers they pose the greatest danger during the Spring tide.

Bathers are at risk of being swept out to sea by rip currents while swimming or wading in water along the beachfront. Even bathers wading in shallow water who find themselves trapped in a rip current that forms suddenly are at risk of being swept out to sea by rip currents.

The NSRI said bathers caught in a rip current should not panic. Simply stay afloat by treading water and don’t try to swim against the current as it will only cause you exhaustion and let the current sweep you out to sea. At your first opportunity swim parallel to the beachfront until you are free of the rip current and then use the incoming waves to get back to shore. While this is happening shout for help and wave your arm to alert people on the beach to raise the alarm.

Swim at beaches where lifeguards are on duty and obey the instructions of the lifeguards and only swim within the safe swimming zones lifeguards mark (using their red and yellow flags).

Children should have responsible adult supervision at all times around coastal and inland waters and at swimming pools.

Anglers fishing along the shoreline, particularly along rocks on the shoreline, are at greatest risk during the Spring tide where incoming waves during the high tides engulf higher than normal over rocks. Anglers should not turn their back to the sea and should be vigilant and cautious of the wave action at all times while fishing.

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