KZN plans to inject students with birth control

The health department has stirred the pot after controversial contraceptive measure for students was announced on Monday.

The KwaZulu-Natal government has come under fire from the Commission for Gender Equality following its announcement on Monday that 12 of its female bursary students would be injected with contraceptives while studying abroad to stop them from falling pregnant.

The 12 students form part of a group of 30 bursary students flying to India to receive pharmaceutical and ultrasonography training.

The KwaZulu-Natal government has claimed it has taken these measures to avoid a repeat of this year’s pregnancy scandal involving students sent to study in Cuba.

The Commission for Gender Equality has spoken out against the move, calling it discriminatory towards female students since no precautionary measure has been suggested for male students.

The reaction to the news  on social media has been mixed, ranging from puzzlement;

to condemnation;

to support;

to indifference:

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