Star College

Our head Boy, Ashveer Lutchman and Head Girl, Suha Kader. Head boys and head girls are responsible for representing the school at events, and will make public speeches. They also serve as a role model for students, and share pupils' ideas with the school's leadership.
Our head Boy, Ashveer Lutchman and Head Girl, Suha Kader. Head boys and head girls are responsible for representing the school at events, and will make public speeches. They also serve as a role model for students, and share pupils' ideas with the school's leadership.
Having physical education in the school curriculum allows children from a young age to develop the social skills to work with other teammates, make new friends and learn how rewarding it is to participate in team sports.
Having physical education in the school curriculum allows children from a young age to develop the social skills to work with other teammates, make new friends and learn how rewarding it is to participate in team sports.
Computing is one of the most critical subjects in the primary school curriculum. It teaches children essential skills that they will use throughout their lives.
Computing is one of the most critical subjects in the primary school curriculum. It teaches children essential skills that they will use throughout their lives.

Star College – ‘Known by your name’

Our students are valued for who they are and what they bring to our school community and teachers make it their mission to get to know the whole child, personally, socially and academically; we provide an environment that enables students to thrive. Staff know students and their families and are always accessible and approachable.

Our three-month babies are welcomed with open arms and we guide them upwards and onwards. Our doors welcome even the littlest minds, gently allowing them to develop and swim into Grade R, their tiniest step in Big School.  Growth at Star College is a steady and structured progress developing young minds into community sound individuals, giving back to the world. We introduce coding to these inquisitive minds!

At Star College Primary we strive to be a community in which the strengths of each student can come to life and in which in turn each student can reflect the whole community so that a healthy social life can arise to support the growing child. Exposure to Olympiads and interschool sport events builds their character.

Our High School students are offered small classes, individual attention, extra curricular, music, sports, free extra tuition, Olympiads both local and international and an holistic approach to teaching.  This encourages them to develop into young ladies and gentlemen that will go bravely and boldly into the world.

As being one of the Top Schools in KZN, with 2023 matric student Sarah Chetty achieving 10As and being the Top Learner in KZN, we welcome you to join us for a cup of tea or coffee to discuss the opportunity of having your child join the Star College family.

Please contact us on 031 2627191 / 031 2627190.

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