WATCH: Kevin eyes Paralympic success

Despite not being able to defend his title at the 2012 Games in London, Kevin Paul believes he can take a gold this year.

THE Paralympic athletes start their final preparations for the 14th edition of the para-sport spectacle. Elite Athlete Development Programme star, Kevin Paul, hopes to make his mark at the showpiece event in Rio from 7 to 18 September.

Kevin has tasted varying degrees of success and failure during the past eight years but he is determined to win gold at this year’ event.

“Not being able to defend my gold medal in London was really disappointing for me and influenced a few of the changes I have made in my career,” said current 200m S9 breaststroke world record holder.

“I moved to Durban about two years ago, joined the EADP and Graham Hill became my coach. I have seen a lot of improvements in my swimming and it gives me a lot of encouragement going into the Rio Games.”

Rio will be a third trip to the global showpiece for Kevin and he said that despite the experience of two previous Games, dealing with the pressures that go along with an event like the Paralympics is something that he still has not yet come to grips with. “I cannot even describe the pressure that you feel when you are about to take part in a Paralympic final. It’s different to any other event – maybe because it only comes around every four years.

“Having been to two Games in the past I think I have learnt to harness that pressure better and I am going out there to win another gold medal, especially after missing out in London.

“I went back to the drawing board after London and with the help of everyone at Prime I feel like I am in the best possible shape I could be in and I am just really excited to get to Rio and represent South Africa,” said the motivated 25 year old.

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