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Land Rover teams lead the pack at tourney

Eight polocrosse teams clashed at the inaugural Land Rover highgoal event at the weekend.

SUPERB weather, top quality polocrosse action and a beautiful setting ensured a highly successful inaugural Land Rover Durban highgoal tournament at the Durban Shongweni Club last week.

Both Land Rover men’s and women’s teams came out in first position after neck-and-neck games that saw all teams pushing themselves to the limit. Taking the prize in the women’s category this year was Land Rover Durban’s Team Evoque, who walked away with R10 000 in cash following an impressive two-day display.

The men’s final was on Sunday afternoon and victory was claimed by Land Rover after a highly competitive match. The Land Rover men’s team trotted away with a well-deserved R12 500 prize money and title as the first ever winners of the Land Rover Durban Highgoal.

The event saw eight teams, four men’s – Branson, Zambeze Delta Anti-Poaching, Alzu and Durban Land Rover – and four women’s – Alzu, Team M&M, Rhino Truck Sales and Team Evoque – competing in a number of games daily.

“It was a fantastic event overall with world-class polocrosse players bringing their best to the field,” said event organiser and Shongweni Polocrosse Club chairman, Brent Von Benecke. “Shongweni experienced the usual glorious weather for this time of year, and there was a great turnout with hundreds of visitors coming to witness the fast-paced action.”

Being a highgoal tournament, each team consisted of six players with a combined handicap of between 42 and 45 (out of a possible 60). Showing its calibre, the tournament welcomed two 10-handicap players – Jannie Steenkamp and Graham MacLarty – to the field.

André Schrenk, dealer principal for Land Rover Durban, said they were thrilled with the success of the first Land Rover Durban highgoal and looked forward to the 2017 instalment. “There were eight teams, 48 players and about 100 horses who put on a really world-class performance,” said André. “There were a number of tight games that were all greatly supported.“ The weekend started with a gala black tie event and ended off with a prize-giving.


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