Inanda cyclists take on aQuellé race

The GO!Durban Cycle Academy is looking to branch out into other communities following the aQuellé race.

SIX eager GO!Durban Cycle Academy mountain bikers from Inanda took part in the 55-kilometre cyclocross race at the aQuellé Tour Durban on Sunday, 24 April.

Sbusiso Ndlovu, Mmeli Ndimande, Sabelo Ngcobo, Linda Maphanga, Collin Gumede and Sfundo Gumede cycled the popular race with their coaches, Steven Gcwensa and Cosmos Goba, and mentor, Shaun Peschl. They were excited to test themselves during the 45 kilometres of fast road riding and the ten kilometres of off-road single track.

The GO!Durban Cycle Academy combined the expertise of the coaches from the Durban Green Corridor with the pool of cycling talent that emerged from the Inanda-based MTB Academy. This was part of the broader plan to foster a culture of recreational and commuter cycling in the city.

Warren Quinn, sports development manager at the GO!Durban Cycle Academy, said the young riders, the youngest of whom is 14 years old, were excited to take on the outing. “What made this race unique was the fact that there were so many riders together for much of the race,” said Quinn. “Our coach and mentor ensured that our guys paced themselves accordingly and enjoyed the opportunity to the fullest,” said Quinn.

The programme focused heavily on skills transfer and training, and the four coaches that worked at the academy were extensively trained, some of them to UCI certification level.

The six will fly the flag for the expanding academy, which has a footprint site in KwaDabeka, with further satellite academies planned for other areas, including KwaMashu, Cornubia and Mlazi.

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