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Mountain bikers celebrate Freedom Day

More than 480 mountain bike enthusiasts took part in the event.

MORE than 480 mountain bike enthusiasts took part in the 2016 Marriott Freedom Race, an exciting mountain bike event that celebrates the 26th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison.

The winners of the race, Andrew Hill and Tyronne White, had some tough competition from Brandon Stewart and Travis Walker as well as Matthew Wilkinson and David Low, who were eager to take on the tough 55km first day route.

The rest of the team field was eager to depart the eNanda Adventure Centre and take in the sights and sounds of the beautiful Inanda Valley.

The Marriott Freedom Race, sponsored by Marriott Asset Management, accommodates both serious cyclists and individuals looking for a fun day out. Riders could choose between a two-day, two-person team ride, which covered up to 60 kilometres per day (120 kilometres in total), or a one-day individual ride over a shorter course of 40 kilometres.

The trails on day one took the riders in and around the community, with some beautiful single track right on the water’s edge. The two water tables on the route allowed the riders to refuel and catch their breath while waiting for their team partners who might be lagging. Each team needed to stay within two minutes of each other during the course of the ride.

After a wrong turn at the forty-two-kilometre mark by Hill and White, Low and Wilkinson took the lead and held off a strong chase by White and Hill until the five-kilometre mark.

Day two started with some cool, misty weather in the Inanda Valley, which was perfect to keep the 480 team and 40-kilometre individual riders fresh for the tough day ahead. With only minutes between the top teams, the 108 teams were eager to get going up onto the Shembe Plateau, possibly the most scenic section of the two-day event.

Hill and White led the six-man pack again on day two and managed to hold off a strong surge from Stewart and Walker, who needed to make up almost two minutes from day one. However, Hill and White managed to hold onto their lead and won day two in a bunch sprint down the line, clinching their second consecutive title.

Stewart and Walker claimed second place with Wilkinson and Low claiming third place overall. The women’s race was won by Brenda Potts and Sarah van Heerden in 5:16:37. The first mixed team was won by Natalie Bergstrom and Gareth Cook in a time of 5:14:06 seconds.

In the men’s 40-kilometre individual race, Dean Wortmann clinched the overall victory ahead of second-placed Carl Ardendorff and third went to Jeandré Smit. The women’s 40-kilometre race was won by Charmaine Mc Cullen, Alexandra Mapstone was second and Mandy Wallace came third.

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