Karate keeps Mike fit at 60

Mike Zalanckas said karate is for anyone - any shape, size or age - and teaches you to look after yourself in mind and body.

HILLCREST resident, Mike Zalanckas, who will be 60 this year, believes that age is only a number.

The black belt second Dan is one of the senior instructors at Highway JKA Karate Club. The dojo is based at St Mary’s School in Kloof. He entered the KER World Karate Federation’s (WKF) All-style Tournament in the masters’ Kumite (free fighting) in the over-50 division in early February. He won a gold medal and was then selected to compete in the KZN Elite Karate Tournament in mid-February, where he won gold in the tournament.

The KZN provincial team seniors competed in the WKF nationals in Johannesburg on 4 March, where Mike made the finals and won a silver medal.

Mike believes anyone at any age can achieve anything in life if they have goals set with dedication and drive. Hard training and support is key.

“We have seniors here at Highway JKA up to 65 years old, and watching them train inspires me to go for it. To represent the national team is an honour,” said Mike.

He said karate is for anyone – any shape, size or age – and teaches you to look after yourself in mind and body.

Mike said his role models have been his children – Shane and Tara Zalanckas. “Watching them grow through the years, participating in karate since four years old and competing in two World Championships in front of thousands of people, is a real inspiration for me,” added Mike.

There are many senseis he looks up to, but one in particular who stands out for Mike is Sensei Rob Ferriere, the head KZN karate instructor, an eighth Dan who is also in his 60s. Mike said he is also grateful to head sensei of Highway JKA, Leonardo Ciutto, for training him. “Regardless of my age, Ciutto trains me the same as the young guys, which motivates me to push forward to achieve my goals,” said Mike.

Mike trains four times a week; five times a week when he is competing. He eats a sensible, nutritious diet but believes the key to karate is fitness then everything else fits into place. His favourite martial arts is kumite. If anyone is interested in joining Mike, you can contact him on 082 893 4950.

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