School sportSport

Acrobatic dancers lifted to new heights

The students performed their hearts out, scooping first, second or third places in all their categories.

ANWYN Winterbach Academy acrobatic dancers from Westville did extremely well in the recent Integrated Artistic Acrobatic Association of South Africa (IAAASA) Festival, held at Durban North College.

The students performed their hearts out, scooping first, second or third places in all their categories. They received medallions and trophies for their placings and IAAASA colours for getting over 80 per cent.

Overall section winners were:

Intermediate 16 and over winner: Megan Hadden

Intermediate nine and U12 winner: Tarlia Samuels

Pre-intermediate nine and U12 winner: Andrea Pelzer

Novice 12 and U16 winner: Megan Mordaunt

The Anwyn Winterbach Academy will host their end-year show on 27 and 28 November at Durban North College. Tickets are R60 for adults and R30 for children under 12. The show will be a fundraising event to help with the medical bills of two people special to the academy. To book, contact

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