
Naiem takes fourth spot at World Champs

Naiem Ally, a Westville resident, represented SA at the World Champs for Veteran Masters Division from 3 to 5 October.

WESTVILLE resident, Naiem Ally, won fourth place, at the Veteran Masters Division at World Champs, Mexico City, last month.

Naiem, who is sponsored by Pro Nutrition, first entered the veteran masters division at the Mr KZN competition earlier in the year, where he qualified for Mr SA. He won that title and was then chosen to represent South Africa at the World Champs in Mexico City from 3 to 5 October.

He said it was a tough competition, but Czech Republic was chosen as the victors, Poland came second, Spain third and SA took fourth spot.

His category was classic bodybuilding which is a height and weight restriction. The competition tests for the most classic, “Men’s Health” shredded look, not ripped look.

“I followed a strict diet, and did lots of weight training and cardio. My current weight is 75kgs (off season) but I have to maintain 70kgs when competing,” he said.

The 53-year-old body builder said he never thought he would make it to this level of the competition, since not many veterans make it to the top six, but he was pleased with the result.

“I competed with bigger guys in a higher weight class and still performed well. That’s an achievement for me,” said Naiem.

He said this competition was a learning experience for him and if he made it to World Champs again, he would do things a little different. He said he would try to come out slightly more ripped for a clear cut win.

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