Rene wins SA young rider champs

Rene Hoffmann-Jensen and her horse, Varsity College Red Hot, claimed the 1.20m Young Rider Champion of South Africa title for 2014.

LOCAL rider, Rene Hoffmann-Jensen, won the South African Young Rider championships in Johannesburg, which was held from 10 to 14 September.

Her horse, Varsity College Red Hot, and Rene won the championship and claimed the 1.20m Young Rider Champion of South Africa title for 2014.

Earlier this year, Rene rode in the South African adult championship at the Durban Shongweni Club and won two classes including the South African adult 1.20m champion title for 2014.

“I am so proud of my super star horse. I am so grateful to have him. I never expected to win the young rider South African 1.20m champion title as I had already won the adult title and it is highly unlikely to win both but my horse, being the champion he is, never fails to surprise me,” said Rene.

She said she had built up such a strong partnership with her horse and couldn’t ask for a better partner.

“I am also so lucky to have been sponsored by Varsity College Westville, where I am studying law. They have been so extremely supportive and have jumped in at any opportunity to help me succeed,” added Rene.

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