My Wave: Every culture has to be represented in media

Every person from every culture, race or gender have to see themselves fairly and accurately represented in the mainstream media.

TO communicate a fair and accurate message in any form of media, representation is needed.
All forms of representation. If you’re writing a story that features people of a certain culture or background, people of that culture need to be represented in not only the front of the story but behind the scenes as well.

You can’t tell a story about people with disabilities if you don’t have disabled bodies being equally represented in writing, producing and directing the project.

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You can’t tell a story about a culture or a group of people without actively trying to represent because you can easily misrepresent them by not understanding certain nuances of the people you’re talking about.
Just imagine an American film company and director writing about South African’s but message is communicated inaccurately because day-to-day scenarios aren’t represented well?

Having a diverse work-force in all media also allows different perspectives and styles. Especially in a country as diverse as South Africa. We have so many different cultures and spaces to accommodate – there shouldn’t be a publication, film, series, creative company or anything in popular culture that doesn’t equally represent; race, gender, sexuality and the various socio-economic backgrounds.

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It’s important for people in media to understand how complex the world is to break down walls of ignorance and prejudice.
Diversity in media is important because it can highlight issues in communities that are aren’t represented and can voice the voiceless. An important aspect of representation is the people on the other end – the viewers.

People need to see themselves on the screen, in print magazines or what ever media they choose to consume. So many barriers can be broken can be broken by equal representation – by having enough women working behind the scene as directors, casting directors, cinematographers and writers, that could inspire a whole generation of women to take up something that’s largely dominated by men.

Same goes for sports like skateboarding and other extreme sports that young women aren’t socially accepted in. Gender representation is neccessary to reflect diversified structures of the society we live and that consumes the media daily.
When it comes to race, especially ones that have a history of being portrayed poorly – especially in terms of negatively portraying steriotypes, it would do a lot of good to change narratives and allow these disenfranchised racial groups to be portrayed in a positive light.

This could do a lot with young viewers and how they view their self-esteem and how their can measure themselves to the rest of the world. I remember reading a tweet from a random African American photographer that said, “People don’t know I really started photography cause I robbed someone for his camera and ain’t know how to sell it so I started using it.” he goes on to say “When I was growing up we thought photographers were white men that took photos of birds. Regardless of our situations I want people to know creatives look just like them and come from the same place. Change the narrative.” he says poignantly.



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