Angel in Blue is a shining example

"Regardless of how much litter is on the sidewalk and grass she collects it all and puts it into the dustbins on route in Kloof."

RE-USE, reduce and recycle, is what is being drummed into us all for a good reason, however, when driving through Hillcrest and Kloof we are met by litter strewn out of car windows and on the sides of the roads, be it by torn rubbish bins or just unsavoury elements who do not care for the environment.

However, we have a ray of light in Kloof – every week day as I drive my children to school we see the Angel in Blue, as my children have aptly nicknamed her.

A middle aged woman who does her exercise every morning from 6.30am to 7.15am along the Kloof Old Main road and towards the Maytime Spar. She wears a light blue weather proof jacket (summer and darker blue in winter) and come rain or shine and regardless of how much litter is on the sidewalk and grass she collects it all and puts it into the dustbins on route. To say she is a shining example to the community and to the school children going to school every morning would be putting it mildly.

If only we could have more of these angels in our community.

We would just like to say thank you for all you have done and continue to do, and just want you to know that we notice and are appreciative of all you have done for Keeping Old Main Road beautiful.

Ashleigh, Sophie,

Alessandro and Daniel


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