Cruel behaviour towards helpless animals

"Whoever dumped these lovely rabbits, you are a cruel, heartless individual."

WHILE I was walking my dogs up by the Alverstone Tower on Wednesday morning (4 April), I was amazed to find 10 beautiful white rabbits with dark ears lying close together in the grass.

They were very distressed and confused, but I found them relatively tame.

It was clear to me that they had been pets and some despicable individual had just driven up and dumped them without ever leaving some food and water for these poor confused bunnies.

Fortunately with the help of my staff we managed to catch them all. A big thank you to the Kloof and Highway SPCA for taking them in and they are in the process of finding them loving homes.

Whoever dumped these lovely rabbits, you are a cruel, heartless individual.

If you could no longer keep them there are other alternatives to just dumping them, leaving them confused, frightened and exposed, to be killed by dogs, raptors or die a slow cruel death.

You should be dumped way out in the veld with no water, food or shelter and see how you like it.

I am completely disgusted by the behaviour of some people towards beautiful loving animals.

Bridget Shelley


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