Metro urged to take a ‘zero tolerance’ approach

"Now there are "No Stopping" signs in place but the police still ignore the inconsiderate taxi drivers."

I REFER to Sue Hickman’s letter, Metro ignore willy nilly taxis in Hillcrest published the previous week.

When I first approached Metro Police regarding the taxis stopping to pick up passengers outside Christians Centre, despite there being a red line saying no stopping, I was told they also need, “No Stopping” signs on poles.

Now there are “No Stopping” signs in place but the police still ignore the inconsiderate taxi drivers.

Due to no “zero tolerance” in place, the new trend in Hillcrest is, if commuters are standing on centre island the taxi does not pull over and wait for them. Oh no, they slam on brakes in the outside lane and hold up the traffic while they load their passengers.

It is beyond belief. Our Metro Police in Hillcrest are a wasted space.

Brenda Shepherd


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