
Hats off to efficient Department of Labour

"I cannot praise the department enough and was delighted to see that at least one sector of government is efficient."

HAVING just read the letter regarding the disorganisation at Home Affairs in Pinetown, which seems not to have improved since I was there two years ago, I am now writing to you regarding my experience at the Department of Labour.

My daughter was working in the hospitality sector and since the beginning of December was having large amounts deducted from her pittance for “stock” or “shrinkage”.

As the Labour Act has rules about deductions which were not adhered to, we took her case to the Labour Office in Pinetown.

It was very crowded but quite clearly organised and we were swiftly directed to the appropriate queue.

When she was seen after about a 3/4 hours wait, the official was courteous and took his time to properly check all the facts.

Within three weeks she received a call from another officer who was engaging with the employer and negotiated the return of her money.

I cannot praise the department enough and was delighted to see that at least one sector of government is efficient.

Satisfied customer


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