
Thank you to my guardian angels

"There was a woman and about three men who helped us at the time and I would like to say thank you sincerely to them."

I DON’T know the area but we were involved in that 16 car pile-up on 27 January near Chesterville. Our car went down the embankment along with another car and the truck that caused it all.

We were in the white Mercedes Benz.

There was a woman and about three men who helped us at the time and I would like to say thank you sincerely to them.

They helped open the car, got me out the car, got our bags out the boot and helped us up the embankment. Real saviours.

Afterwards the looters arrived and stripped everything. We were in the ambulance and I saw the woman and said thank you. They were guardian angels.

I just want to say thank you to the others who assisted.

Heather Jenkins


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