Burst water pipe saga continues

"Surely there must be maps with the information available to the contractors?"

AFTER reading the two letters in the Highway Mail dated 26 January, I feel the need to add my two cents worth.

I live in Cowies Hill and for the past 18 months or so we have suffered numerous burst water pipes, mostly reoccurring at the same spot.

Apart from the huge amount of water wastage and inconvenience of having no water for several hours (and sometimes even days), the litter (lunch packaging and cold drink bottles) and mess left behind is totally unacceptable. I would be furious if I took the trouble to make the verge outside my property beautiful only for them to come and make such a mess.

We have to question how/why these seemingly incompetent contractors are getting the work?

It seems as though it’s a money-making racket. Could it be that they don’t repair it properly, knowing that they will be called out again (more than likely after hours) and therefore get paid to do the same job again?

I stand to be corrected, as I don’t know the process of how they get paid or even how they get awarded the tenders, but this is what it looks like. If this is not the case, then clearly the contractors don’t know what they are doing, which one must question – how do they get the contract then?

Another issue is that they often don’t even know where the valves for the various lines are. Resulting in hours of running around and waiting for “supervisors” to inform them.

Surely there must be maps with the information available to the contractors?

My husband wrote a letter to voice our concerns, but to date has never received a response. Maybe it’s a case of I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine?

A little while ago we attended a meeting at the Pinetown Civic Centre to discuss the water issues, which ended in disaster. Before many of us left, we were subjected to a “lecture” on how we can save water.

What a joke.

An audience of adults being told how we should save water when the real issue was the continuous waste of water and taxpayer’s money.

When will the corruption end?


Cowies Hill

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