Thanks for care and support

"A huge thank you to all the kind people who came to my assistance on 28 November, when my dog and I were attacked by dogs."

I WOULD like to thank all the kind people who came to my assistance on 28 November, when my dog and I were attacked by dogs.

Yolande, for providing a chair and support, Jay Jay who supplied a knee for my leg to rest on while waiting for the ambulance, Albert who called my husband, the woman who took my dog home and sat with the dog until other family members arrived, Lad Security and all the other people whose names I did not get.

Last but not least, my daughter Debra who collected information from various people.

Courtenay, Emma-Liegh and Matthew who took Molly to the vet.

ER24 for the fast response and care on site and a safe trip to hospital.

A huge thank you to everyone.

Sheila Pritchard


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