Touched by a random act of kindness

"In a world where there is little good news, this generous spirited man made my day and left my daughter and I smiling all the way home."

ON Sunday, my daughter and I went to lunch at Hussar’s Grill in Kloof.

The lunch was delicious and the staff very pleasant and efficient.

At the end of our meal, when she came to clear the table, our waitress told us that we were the “couple of the day” and that a gentleman on the verandah had settled our bill.

From where we were sitting, we could not see who it was but when we went to thank the gentleman, I saw that he was the same gentleman who had patiently waited to open the door for me even though I am 89, walk with a stick and am very slow.

He accepted our thanks graciously and warmly.

In a world where there is little good news, this generous spirited man made my day and left my daughter and I smiling all the way home.

This random act of unconditional kindness will remain a warm memory.



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