
Inconsiderate church on Brackenhill Road

"These people just completely ignore the law by holding meetings in an area that has been zoned residential."

IT is with great concern that we have to voice our agreement with Mrs Pace in your newspaper dated 27 October 2017.

We also reside on Brackenhill Road and are in agreement that the noise level is totally unbearable.

As she states its drums, vuvuzelas and whistles etc, and this we have to live with from Saturday morning until Sunday evening.

I have respect for churches and admire the work they do, however, I know churches also respect the community that they operate in and take into consideration the concerns of the general public and function within the law. However, these people just completely ignore the law by holding meetings in an area that has been zoned residential.

A question that must be asked is how come the Health Department turns a blind eye to this whole operation which has inadequate ablution facilities thereby creating a health hazard for the members of the congregation as well as the residents living in this area.

Another question to be asked, has approval been obtained from the Fire Department to hold such large meetings without any fire protection equipment on site or an evacuation plan.

I hope the council affords this matter their urgent attention and intervention as once again the weekend is coming up and all residents are dreading the fact.

Mrs Aspden


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