
Humans expose their selfish nature

"Pity that the human race, the way we are destroying the planet and everything in it."

THE monkey debate goes on unabated.

I agree that the numbers are increasing or so it seems, and it would be in everyone’s interests if some form of birth control method could be devised.

Some say that many years ago there was never the problem of so many invading suburban homes, but do these people who complain not realise that 50 years ago, before the advent of many houses flats and complexes being built, there were many acres and miles of bush around Durban where wild mulberries, guavas, loquats, mangoes grew in abundance supplying food for these poor animals.

Some of these trees are now not allowed to be grown, resulting in monkeys being starved of their natural food.

No wonder they are starving and looking for food in the human invaders homes.

If we were allowed to grow these trees in our gardens we would not have such a problem.

I have even seen monkeys in my garden regularly eating the green leaves off the paw paw trees.

How wicked is this, as we sit complaining in our ever increasing encroachment of their natural territory, where once there was an abundant supply of fruit for them.

I am really sick of selfish humans who think we have a God given right to everything under the sun.

Pity that the human race, the way we are destroying the planet and everything in it, is not an endangered species.

M Mitchell


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