
Peaceful co-existence with monkeys is possible

Get yourself one of the waterpistols that shoots about three to five meters to scare aware monkeys.

THE monkey war lines are being drawn in the Highway Mail.

The second Boer War is over but the united nations could have its hands full in protecting the minority Vervet monkey population of Durban from a fate worse than the Rohinya muslims fleeing to Bangladesh.

The answer to peaceful co-existence with monkeys is not rocket science.

Get yourself one of the waterpistol types shown in the photo.

It shoots about three to five metres depending on how vigorously the firing mechanism is actioned.

Garden hose is of course no use nowadays due to low pressure and the cost of treated water.

Then grow well away from your home buildings some paw paw trees and leave the fruit on the trees.

The colourful “monkeynater” waterpistol should be fired when ever a monkey comes near or onto the actual building and left in a visible location when you are not at home as these clever critters soon get to know the pistol and will scapper even at its sight.

But leave the monkeys alone down the bottom of the garden when they raid the paw paws.

John Davison


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