
Municipality ignores overgrown weeds and sand build up in Cowies Hill

"What will happen in heavy rains is that water will flow directly into the road resulting in an accident."

I MAY have missed some previous discussion regarding this matter but are we, as ratepayers, deluded in our expectation for the gutters to be cleared and excess sand build-up and weeds to be removed?

I refer in particular to the area around the Cowies Hill off-ramp at the Dawncliffe Bridge (M13 westbound). It used to be done regularly a couple of years back until there was some budget or contractual issue and since the resumption of the ‘garden services’, this function has been completely ignored.

It is now so overgrown that the next heavy downpour that we have, there will be nowhere for that body of water to flow because the gutters are completely overgrown. In some places you can’t even see there is a gutter – it slopes down from the island straight into the road.

What will happen in heavy rains is that water will flow directly into the road resulting in an accident. Safety aside, it also looks terrible and is sadly just another symptom of our inept municipality’s contribution to the decay in our infrastructure and urban degeneration.

More lack of service delivery on top of new, crippling rate hikes.


Cowies Hill

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