
Government bodies are incompetent

Derek Bird responds to Rick Crouch's letter to the editor last week.

I REFER to Rick Crouch’s letter correcting me for stating that ward 10 is adjacent top Ward 8, and I wish to point out that eThekwini Website has a map entitled “eThekwini Ward Map – New Boundaries”, which I now know is in fact the old boundaries.

Furthermore, I looked at the Demarcation Board’s site to get the new maps, and found that even their overall map, displayed as current, has not been updated with the new boundaries; Mr Crouch acknowledged to me that he knew about that.

Since South Africa is supposed to be a Constitutional Democracy, with a universal franchise based on wards and constituencies, how can we have any faith in the fairness and integrity of the administration of the democratic dispensation?

Derek Bird



ED: This correspondence is now closed.

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