I refuse to pay Pavilion’s new parking rates

Pavilion Shopping Centre has responded to a resident's outrage over the new parking rates.

EDITOR – Last week I went to the Pavilion Shopping Centre to buy a few things from Checkers Hyper. On exiting, horror of horrors, I discovered that now I had to pay for rooftop parking.

I was in and out in less then 20 minutes but I had to pay R9 for those 20 minutes. What happened to the free half an hour parking? If you ask me, that is a total rip off. How can they hike the price from R0 to R9?

I will be not be shopping at the Pavilion anytime soon until the centre’s management explain the large price hike. To some people it might not seem that much, but R9 times whatever the amount of cars that pass through those booms in a single day can add up to a nice profit for the company that manages the parking.

In future, I will be shopping at Westville Mall where I won’t have to pay R9 for five minutes of parking.

Noel Mathe




Pavilion Shopping Centre management responds:

Upgraded security at the Pavilion’s parking facilities have necessitated a minimal parking tariff increase, according to general manager, Nisha Kemraj.

New parking tariffs include an increase from R8 per hour to R9 in undercover parking facilities. Security protocol necessitated the removal of the free parking on the roof sections where patrons will now be charged R9 per hour.

She said the new parking tariffs had been structured to benefit longer stay customers who remained beyond the two hour mark.

“We still offer a slightly cheaper rate in comparison to other super regional shopping centres. The Pavilion has not increased parking tariffs for a number of years and the extra revenue will be put towards security so that shoppers can park both conveniently and safely,” she said.

These will contribute towards the mall’s security guards stationed throughout the parking areas, who are responsible for patrolling specific areas as well as the license plate recognition system implemented this year. This prevents a vehicle exiting the parking area if the number plate printed on the parking ticket, does not match that of the car at the boom gate.

Kemraj added free parking is still available and would not be removed. It is situated at Entrance 16 (Level -6) at the back of the mall. All pensioners receive free parking every Wednesday when they present their parking ticket, and sign the register at the information desk before leaving the mall.

In addition, those parking in the D and E parking facility will be charged R8 for three hours. Although slightly further from mall entrances, this provides undercover convenience at a nominal charge.

The increase in the parking tariff could also affect those validating tickets at Pick n Pay, Checkers and Woolworths.

“Woolworths and Checkers Hyper validate for one and a half hours and Pick n Pay for two hours. This validation discounts the hours from your total stay and you will be charged for the remainder. For example, if you validate at Pick n Pay, but stay for three hours, you will be billed for the extra hour at the applicable tariff,” Kemraj explained.

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