
Silly season on our roads

Letter to the Editor - week ending 9 December 2016.

EDITOR – This appears to be my annual rant at the traffic authorities. Why are all of the unroadworthy vehicles and their drivers allowed on our roads? What is being done, to keep both off our roads? Why are valuable staff being deployed, to in one case keep Jan Hofmeyer Road in Westville clear at prayer time on a Friday, and the Metro Police issuing fines to soft targets outside Woodcutters restaurant, who have overstayed their allotted parking time.

No doubt over the Christmas holidays we will see, as usual, the Metro police directing traffic at junctions that have functioning traffic lights at Shelly beach and other coastal resorts. We coped at busy intersections on Black Friday, without police assistance, so I am sure that we can cope during the festive season. Road safety is not a seasonal event.

Chris Smith


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