
Thank you for making a positive difference in my life

Donations have poured in, which enabled me to purchase the necessary medication to help me with my illness.

EDITOR – I want to thank everyone who donated through the article in Highway Mail, www.gogetfunding.com/light-up-sandies-life/ and www.therisingsunset.co.za websites which together raised R24 000 for my Seven Point Five eight-week severe illness treatment programme. I am now on week five. I also received R1 500 worth of fresh fruit and vegetables for the first two weeks of the severe Seven Point Five detox diet.

Pain has definitely become more bearable. The tumor has started shrinking, but I still have pain, indicating that I need to increase a few of the products even on the set programme.

Thank you once again to you and Highway Mail for increasing my faith and hope in God by making a positive difference in my life.

Sandie Riddin


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