Broken drain cover is damaging our cars

It could buckle the rim, kick out wheel alignment, damage a shock, or cut a tyre. Who pays? Municipality?

EDITOR – There is a drain cover at 82 Padfield Rd that has caused, I am sure, thousands of Rands worth of damage to hundreds of cars driving over it for the past two months. While I was taking the photo the umpteenth car drove over it as well. All day long we hear the thump as cars and trucks hit the hole. It could buckle the rim, kick out wheel alignment, damage a shock, or cut a tyre. Who pays? Municipality?

This was first reported to The Pinetown Municipality in September and four telephonic reminders since then (Ref: F160818/454, F160930/889; F161024/1677). At each occasion we were told it would receive urgent attention. Thank goodness we have not had a civil emergency in Pinetown as their “urgent” is certainly not the same as mine. Perhaps they will respond if someone broke a leg or their neck tripping over it.

You may also notice the broken storm water drain lid next to it but that is supposedly acceptable until someone falls in.

Tom Roberts


The broken drain cover.
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