
Thank you for all of your help

Letter to the Editor - week ending 21 October 2016.

EDITOR – I would like to express my heartfelt and grateful thanks to the SAPS, ADT Security and Hattons Neighbourhood Security Watch who all came to my aid when I most needed it.

Ten days ago my house was broken into by an armed robber who demanded my keys and then stole my car. The whole frightening incident took less than three minutes.

Within minutes of me sounding the alarm, the police, ADT and Hattons Neighbourhood Security Watch arrived. Constable Bhengu and Constable Nel took my statement efficiently and quickly and captain Gounden arranged for the fingerprint division to test for fingerprints.

Hattons personnel kindly boarded up the shattered window for me and ADT provided extra patrols that night, as my house keys were also on the bunch which the thief had taken.

The concern and kindness shown by all personnel was truly gratifying. Everyone stayed until they were sure that I was safely on my way to stay with my daughter. Finally, I’d like to give thanks to the criminal investigation department who found my car within a couple of days.

Although the incident left me shaken, it was so comforting to realise that there are good people who know their job and do it with a caring sense of community.

Well done to all of you and my thanks once again.

Lynn Smith


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