It’s all about the conduct

Letter to the Editor - week ending 2 September 2016.

EDITOR – I read the Moyito Lounge owner’s response in the Highway Mail dated 26 August 2016.

I live across the road from Pineridge Pick n Pay and I can give a first-hand account of the amount of noise that we’re subjected to on weekends, more especially on month ends and end of school term/s.

The sarcastic tone of Mr Gumede’s response is quite telling. I can almost assure that next in he’ll be accusing the complainants of being racist towards him.

I’m black, like him, and do not appreciate his business and its noise levels.

Years ago there used to be a pub in more or less the same spot, it was called Ponchorellos ( excuse the spelling). The owners of that pub understood that they were situated within a residential area, and would not make noise past 11pm.

So you see, it’s not that we, as residents are racist or dislike having a pub in the area, it’s all in the conduct and execution.

Keep the peace


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