Have you seen this miniture Dobberman?

Pixie's owners are desperate to find their beloved pet.

EDITOR – Your help will be greatly appreciated in an effort to find our missing miniature dobberman. Her name is Pixie and she is two years old.

She is very tiny, even for a miniature dobberman, weighing only 4kgs. We were away and only returned on 2 January 2016, when we noticed she was missing from our home in Beare Drive, Padfield Park. I have since spoken to my neighbours, who confirmed seeing her on the morning of 2 January.

We have contacted the local vets, as well as the Kloof and Highway SPCA, but with no luck. We have also put up posters in our area and dropped pamphlets in the neighbours’ post boxes, but no news so far. We even joined two WhatsApp groups specifically for missing pets, but this has also not produced any leads.

If your newspaper can assist, we will greatly appreciate it, as your coverage will be greater than all our efforts combined. We suspect she has been stolen as there has been an attempt in the past.

We’ll appreciate any assistance you can give us. I can be contacted on 079 169 4343.

Andre Zwanepoel

Padfield Park

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