Erect new parking meter signs

Reader calls for old road signs to be replaced.

EDITOR – The metered parking sign which is erected on the street behind the Pinetown Court is not very visible and totally illegible. I was parked in one of the parking bays outside the second-hand shop on this road and when I came out, not even five minutes later, an officer was writing me a ticket.

The parking fee is R3 and I was fined R100. I had unwittingly parked without seeing the sign so I was in the wrong – I willingly paid the fine the same day as I got R50 off, but I just want to bring this to the attention of any other unfortunate drivers who may park in the street to beware as the sign is totally un-readable.

I think the powers that be should erect a new sign. The sign is also a long way away from the pay station.

Rina Korb


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