
PostNet is the way

A reader commends the service of PostNet.

EDITOR – I would like the public to know about the appalling service by the Post Office. I posted a parcel to my sister in Norway at the beginning of September 2014. She received it in February this year. Another parcel sent to Adelaide in Australia took five weeks to get to its destination. I paid R1 300 for this parcel to be sent airmail. Another parcel sent to Australia on 13 April has still not arrived in Australia.

Nobody at the post office or their customer service department has any interest in trying to trace your parcel.

What a difference with PostNet at Hillcrest. I sent a parcel on Wednesday, 29 April and it arrived on Monday, 4 May in Adelaide.

The staff at PostNet are efficient, friendly and it was a pleasure dealing with them. At a little higher fee your parcel arrives at its destination within a few days.

I will certainly only use PostNet in future.



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