
Guard your pets – eagle strikes in Pinetown

Be careful when your pets are outside, warns concerned animal lover.

EDITOR – I really do sympathise with Vivianne Sneddon, who had two dogs attacked by an eagle. My family and I have cats and dogs, and on 2 January this year welcomed a six-week-old Pekingese puppy, Pepe, into our lives.

She was dearly loved by all of us and we had her for 18 wonderful days before she was killed by an eagle in our garden in Padfield Park on 20 February.

I found her outside, already dead from a puncture wound to her side, and I suspect she was dropped from a significant height by the eagle as she struggled to get away.

My family has been absolutely devastated by this, and I hope that something can be done (without harming the eagle) to protect our beloved pets. I urge anyone with small pets to please be vigilant when their pets are outdoors – I wish I’d been warned sooner.

Lana Breckle

Padfield Park

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