Is there a record for most speedhumps on a road?

Why are there so many speedhumps on Krantzkloof Road?

EDITOR – In a distance of 2.3 kilometres on Krantzkloof Road there are 16 speed humps which have recently been constructed. I only know of one accident on that road, so why 16 speed humps?

There is no school along the road and the road is narrow and windy, so drivers can’t speed anyway. The traffic has always been very heavy in the mornings and for the rest of the day it is very light.

It surely can’t be as a result of the construction trucks along the road, as we were informed that this is only a temporary detour because of the laying of the new water pipeline.

The humps were constructed in a very short space of time. Signs erected, humps constructed and painted. It takes weeks to fill potholes and only a few are done per day.

In my opinion the tar could have been better used to fill potholes and resurface the Pioneer Road on-ramp to M13/Field’s Hill.

This whole speed hump construction stinks of “abuse of ratepayers’ money” and “jobs for pals”. It’s the normal end-of-the-year story: flatten the budget before the end of the year.

In my estimation, each hump costs about R10 000 (tar, labour, paint, signage, et cetera), which comes to approximately R160 000 of wasteful expenditure.

These humps could have rather been placed outside schools, such as Kloof Senior Primary and Kloof High Schools, as they only have two humps. There are no humps outside the Kloof Pre-Primary School where the hijacking took place.

Perhaps someone could enlighten us to the purpose of the 16 humps and the reason why Krantzview Road was selected. It is obvious no survey or research was done.

Is there a Guinness record for the most speed humps in one road?



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