
Kind-hearted people still exist

Letter to the Editor - week ending 18 July 2014.

EDITOR – I work at Renault Pinetown, and in our stock yard stands about 15 new cars.

There are some wild cats around, one of which made its home on our premises. I have been feeding the two little ones for four months and they have now become a part of our Renault family. One morning I arrived at work to find that one of the kittens had a fishing hook stuck in the side of its mouth. I had no idea where the kitten found it. I tried to catch it but, obviously with it being sore, we could not catch it. That following morning, after borrowing a cat trap from my friend, I caught him.

I took it to the St John’s Veterinary clinic and spoke to Dr Kavonic. He assured me the cat would be fine. I left the cat there with a sore heart and thinking about the large bill I would be getting but the same afternoon I collected the kitten, now named Sharky. I could not believe the bill! He had all the injections done, was castrated and the fish hook was removed. What a vet! I walked out there smiling for what I was asked to pay. Dr Kavonic has a heart and I can say I will never go to another vet again. Thank you Dr Kavonic and staff.

Jackie Van Vuuren


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