How about a little communication from the post office?

Will the post office be moving again in the near future?

EDITOR – To the post office communications department in Waterfall, the word communications means to communicate, liaise with, notify etc, and once again the residents of Waterfall were left in the dark.

One minute we had our rented postal box’s tucked in a corner on Link Road, and the next day without warning or notification they are relocated to the Link Hills Shopping Centre, upstairs tucked away and out of reach.

The poor post office staff must be totally frustrated and disillusioned by the way they are being treated, still having to operate in a postal van.

By now, I would imagine that many of them are going to be claiming medical expenses for a crocked spine.

No thought has been given at all with the new post office location. Parking is a total nightmare especially for those people who just want to collect their mail.

The stairs are not user friendly for the elderly, for those people like myself who have limb ailments, and for parents with young children.

Yes, there is a lift in the complex, which is lonely and a security hazard, as we know that there have been incidents in the past that have occurred in the lift which have been unpleasant.

Was this move done to open a new position for a new postal delivery man? As I for one, will be thinking long and hard over the renewal of my postal box at the end of the year.

Lastly, on the Watercrest Shopping Mall’s advertisement board, it states the post office will be there to. Does this mean that our post office will be moving again in the near future?

Confused and unhappy resident


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