
The controversial egg

Do eggs contribute to high cholesterol levels? Poorvi Laxman sets the record straight.

For years eggs have come under the spotlight, mainly as a “bad” food, supposedly leading to high cholesterol levels, ultimately causing heart disease and strokes.

However, according to research, eating a whole egg actually increases HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), the “good” cholesterol, which acts to protect the heart.

Eggs are packed with quality protein, good fats, vitamins and minerals, and are in turn very low in carbohydrates. A single egg white contains all the 9 essential amino acids which the body cannot produce.

The yolk is where most of the vitamins and minerals can be found.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids found in the yolk are responsible for brain function and healthy skin ,hair and reproduction,  respectively.

Carotenoids, also present in the yolk have been shown to significantly lower the risk of age related eye disorders. This is just one of the benefits of the yolk.

In conclusion, there is no set number of eggs or egg yolks one can consume on a daily basis, (1-2 yolks a day is a good amount).

Before you go on to completely eliminate eggs or the precious yolk from your diet due to what you may have heard or have been told, it’s advisable to bear in mind- “eggs DO NOT cause heart disease/stroke” in a healthy person, (individuals who do not already have a pre-existing heart condition / high cholesterol).

Poorvi Laxman is a fitness professional and personal trainer with a passion for health and fitness.

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