
Together we can restore Lahee Park

Letter to the editor - week ending 13 September

EDITOR – In response to the letter to the Editor entitled Lahee party not worth the headache (30 August) I would like to express my concern in the approach to the situation, as this brings much dark light upon Lahee Park as a whole.

The Lahee Park Committee accepted the proposal of the Fantasy Festival in efforts to generate funds for the clubs in the park. I can agree that the festival may not have been a massive success in attendance but in total it was managed successfully on the day. The event offered opportunities for the surrounding clubs to generate income from parking, use of facilities, which was taken advantage of by the clubs.

As historic land in the Pinetown area, we as a community should put all efforts in growing the community of Lahee Park. This can be done by supporting the local clubs in the Lahee Park stadium. I am not certain if you have been tracking the sporting fraternity of Lahee Park, but we currently boast some of the top teams in the district.

The Gymnastics Club hosts international competitions on a recurring basis and boasts national representatives. The bowling club is one of the most active in the district and also boasts national representation. Seagulls Swimming Club boasts a great record and has produced multiple Olympic gold medalists. Pinetown Raiders Rugby Club has made a huge turnaround this year, and the players have worked their way to the final of the Provincial Knockouts. Pinetown Raiders has also trained half a dozen representatives who have been selected for regional sides. Both the rugby club and cricket club have undergone great strategic changes this year and both boast youthful energetic committees which will lead each club respectively into greatness.

As a local community member I would like to invite you to begin spreading the word of how great Lahee Park is, and what is to come from the park in the successes. This is a far better thing to do than to stab insults to the efforts of the park. An invite goes out to yourself and to all those who would like to get involved in Lahee Park, regenerating the place of family fun you remember. For more information on how to get involved please contact me on phillip@rpsilangabi.co.za and let’s rebuild Lahee Park.

Phillip Pieterse


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