Pinetown Girls’ High School shows love to childcare centre

The Pinetown Girls' High School student leadership roped the school into a donation drive for the Malvern Child and Youth Care Centre.

LEARNERS from Pinetown Girls’ High School were beaming with pride as they handed over donated items to the Malvern Child and Youth Care Centre. Headed by the student leadership, the girls broadcasted to their fellow schoolmates to ask for donations and collected clothes, books and money within a week.

Speaking to the Highway Mail, Pinetown Girls’ High School prefect Mooshana Mbilla said they embarked on this journey as part of their leadership responsibilities.

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“Apart from our normal duties in the school, we have the social responsibility to give to the needy. We took the chance to rope in the whole school to participate. They brought in quality second-hand clothes, toys and books, and we collected about R2 000,” she said.

The learners said they have had a fun time embarking on this initiative and were pleasantly surprised by the cooperation of the learners in the whole school.

“This initiative was to send out a message that we do care as a school and to teach other learners about the different dynamics in society,” she said.

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The learners said they are hoping to do this more often, turn it into a tradition and invite their brother school, Pinetown Boys’ High School, to join in the initiative.

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