New Germany clean-up crew walk the talk

Over two days, the crew cleaned up the area and cut the overgrown bush on Qashana Khuzwayo Road down. They will be doing more clean-ups in the area.

THE NEW Germany Ratepayers’ Association, together with the community policing forum, Blue Security and some residents, united to clear a bushy area in Qashana Khuzwayo Road.

Lynn Robson, who is the chairperson of the ratepayers’ association, which is affiliated with the eThekwini Ratepayers’ Protest Movement, said they have had complaints about the bush which is an eyesore in the central business district.

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“A call was made, and we cleaned up the area and cut the overgrown grass over two days. We collected so many bags of various types of litter.”

During the clean-up, Robson said they discovered people were sleeping in there.

“We also found other items, such as electrical chords, and we are not sure if this bush was used to hide stolen items,” she said.

The New Germany resident said they will be continuing with the clean-ups around the New Germany area.

“We appeal to residents to assist us and make this a safe and clean area for everyone,” she said.

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