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Spices that heal and restore

In this article, Caxton Local Media journalist Candyce Pillay delves into her South Indian roots, bringing to forefront the knowledge she was passed on about a blend of spices known to heal new moms and the sick.

AFTER writing a post last week about a South Indian hot toddy that has contributed to the successful healing of thousands of flu-ridden families, I couldn’t help but also think back to another batch of special spices, which when combined, are not only delicious but also very effective in healing.

Also read: World Allergy Week: Navigating your food allergies

I am talking about marandhu sellu, also pronounced marinsil (marin-sil) or birth masala, as many call it. The English name says it all – this blend is given to new moms to assist with their postpartum recovery and to give them the much-needed energy boost they need. It’s also said to assist with milk production and much more. I can vouch for this because, after two natural childbirths and one C-section, this blend worked wonders.

Some also use it to help alleviate cold and flu symptoms and to aid in post-operative healing.

If none of the caps above fit, rest assured you can use this to make a stew, soup or curry solely because of its delicious taste and aroma, and the best part is that it’s readily available at any spice shop.

According to Durban Curry, ginger and fenugreek are the stars which aid with digestion. There are also thymol seeds, dhania and turmeric so it makes it an immune booster and anti-inflammatory to provide new moms with the energy boost and healing they need. The spice can also be used to make a soup or stew and can even be used in tea. Wow, I did not know that part about tea.

Up until writing this article, I actually had no idea what marinsil was comprised of. I just trusted the knowledge the generations before me imparted. I personally love the smokey flavour and that warming sensation when it hits my tummy – which could only mean one thing – the healing has started.

Now, more than often, because of the cold weather we’ve been experiencing, I find myself sprinkling a few teaspoons over my curry and letting it simmer.

If you’re looking for a simple chicken curry recipe using birth masala, this is my take. I am no chef, but I am a great cook – even if I say so myself. I tried my best with quantities as I am not generally a measurer when I cook. And one more thing – oil police, back off.

Chicken curry using birth masala, prepared by yours truly.

1 chopped onion
1 chopped tomato
Curry leaves
2 tablespoons masala
1 tablespoon marinsil
500g chicken pieces
3 teaspoons ginger and garlic paste
3 potatoes, peeled and cut in half
Dhania leaves

1. Add oil to a pot. Once heated, add onion and curry leaves.
2. Drop your heat to medium.
3. When onions brown, add ginger and garlic, tomato and masala. Let it simmer for a few seconds only to avoid masala burning.
4. Add chicken and mix with masala, coating every piece of chicken.
5. Add potatoes, as much water as desired, salt to taste and let simmer.
6. When potatoes are half-cooked, sprinkle marinsil on top.
7. Cook until potatoes are cooked. Garnish with dhania and serve.

Delicious. Thank you, ancestors.


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