Upper Highway school in dire straits

Genius Junction in Waterfall, which caters for mainstream learners and children with special needs, is in need of a permanent property as they were given 30 days to vacate the property the school operates from.

GENIUS Junction, an inclusive school that caters for mainstream learners and children with special needs in the Upper Highway area, is hanging by a thread.

Kerry Katz reached out to social media last week, calling on the community to help her find a permanent place for her learners as she has been given 30 days to leave the school property.

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Katz said it would break her heart to not have a place for her learners.

“I have worked so hard for my school – we cater for kids who don’t fit the system. I have little geniuses who are autistic, dyslexic, have ADHD, Tourette’s and anxiety disorders.

“Our system works, and the students are happy. Many of them have already been through too much, and the new disruption is a real blow,” said a distressed Katz.

Talking about the challenges she has faced recently, Katz said they have struggled without their high school maths and science educator as he recently had a series of strokes and has been in and out of hospital.

“On the same day he had a stroke, I received the news that I have cancer. I will be fine – I have surgery scheduled – but the biggest blow is having to move out by the end of December.

“I am having a sizeable chunk of my upper arm cut out and my lymph nodes removed. This was meant to be my recovery period.

How will I move with one functional arm? Where will we go? I have to be up and ready to receive my students on January 17. I have spent everything I have getting this little business up and running. I don’t have the money for a move,” she said.

Katz said her school has done a remarkable amount of charity work in the community.

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“I am pleading with the community for assistance. If you know of any properties available for rent in Crestholme or Waterfall, please let me know. I need something more permanent where my students and my family won’t face this situation again. My family have already been through way too much. If anyone has it in their heart to assist financially with the move, please use the school account and reference ‘donation’,” she pleaded.

Banking Details:
Genius Junction
FNB Business Account
Account number: 63063900394
Branch Code 250655.

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