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Support Atholl Height’s blood drive

The school aims to collect 260 pints of blood.

AFTER a successful blood drive, Atholl Heights Primary School is challenging blood donors to help them reach their target of collecting 260 pints of blood.

The drive hosted at the school in June was inspired by the school’s very own hero, Jan Storm, who is the maintenance manager and former Dog Unit Policeman.

Also read: Atholl Heights blood drive exceeds expectations 

Storm had donated 250 pints of blood, and the aim was to beat that. The drive was a success as they collected 257 pints of blood, exceeding their target of 251 pints.

The school is hosting another drive this Friday, September 22, and the aim is to collect 260 pints.

South African National Blood Services will be there from 07:00 until 16:00.

Donors are invited to support this drive once again.

There will be free wors rolls for the first 100 donors, and there will be a token of gratitude for every person that donates on the day.

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