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Molweni eco-tourism guides graduate

The eco-tourism training has equipped three residents from the Molweni area with skills to host visitors on the hiking trails and attractions in the area. 

A GRADUATION ceremony was recently held at isiThumba Cultural Village in Kwa-Ximba where successful guides received their certificates.

The guides qualified as eco-tourism guides, formally as part of an eco-tourism initiative in Molweni. The project to train the guides was a project started by the Kloof Conservancy in October 2022.

Paolo Candotti, Kloof Conservancy chairperson, said the project, in partnership with Green Corridors and 1000 Hills Tourism Association, identified five candidates for the programme – two from Upper Molweni and three from Lower Molweni.

Also read: Explore nature at Molweni trails site

According to Candotti, Green Corridors contracted Sigma International to provide formal training which included both classroom and field work over a period of nine months.

“The formal programme is at NQF Level 4 and covered aspects such as conducting a guided cultural experience, care for customers, conducting a tourist guiding activity, minimising and managing safety and emergency incidents, and researching and designing a guided experience at a prominent tourism site.

“Unfortunately, two candidates dropped out, but three successfully completed the programme and are ready to host visitors on the hiking trails and attractions in Molweni,” he said.

In addition, Candotti said the conservancy’s goal has been to assist members of the Molweni community to place themselves in a position to be able to benefit economically from the natural environment through sustainable eco-tourism.

“The investment from the Kloof Conservancy and partners has been significant, both in cash and support resources, but the results are very pleasing, and we look forward to more visitors in Molweni,” said a proud Candotti.

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