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Fabulous Reads: Teen mystery ticks all the boxes

Book review - Nothing More to Tell.

Nothing More to Tell, Karen M McManus, Penguin Random House, ISBN: 9780241473689

BRYNN Gallagher dreams of becoming a journalist.

She applies for an internship at a true-crime show when she is forced to move back to her hometown, Sturgis, Massachusetts, after her father is transferred. She pitches the story of her favourite teacher, Mr. Larkin’s unsolved murder. His body was discovered in the woods behind her old school. Three students are said to have stumbled on his body – with the fingerprints of one of them found on the murder weapon. However, no one was ever arrested.

Four years later, she starts digging and uncovers far more than she bargained for.

This is a slow yet satisfying teen mystery. With every chapter, an already puzzling mystery becomes increasingly complicated, and I loved how the characters’ lives were interconnected. The story unfolds from the perspective of two characters – Bryn and fellow classmate Tripp Talbot. Tripp happens to be one of the students who found Mr. Larkin’s body.

And since a teen novel would not be complete without some romance, we quickly discover that there is a spark between the two. Fortunately, I found the romance’s progression to be slow, natural and adorably innocent. In addition to the sweet romance, there were also a number of interactions that were nothing short of heart-wrenching. My heart bled for the characters and their relatable struggles.

Karen M McManus totally blindsided me with the identity of the murderer. It was so obvious that I totally overlooked it. There were a number of twists and turns, and as soon as you thought you had it figured out, McManus would drop some new information that swept the rug from under your feet. – Mariclair Smit – 4/5 stars


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