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Test your IQ with Mensa

Mensa is an international organisation for people who score at or above the 98th percentile on a standard IQ test.

THE next test for membership in Mensa, the high IQ society, will be held on Saturday, April 22, in Pinetown. It costs R130 (students half-price), and candidates may leave with their results. The test is optimised for 16 years and older – it is not suitable for younger people.

The test is in multiple-choice format and consists of two sections. A candidate may join Mensa by passing either section. The first one tests general reasoning, and the second one tests visuospatial abilities. The test is conducted by a registered psychologist and takes about two hours. Results are confidential and are simply comprised of a notification of whether the candidate passed Mensa’s criteria for membership or not.

Also read: Should political leaders take IQ tests?

Mensa is an international organisation for people who score at or above the 98th percentile on a standard IQ test; that is, in the top 2% of the population. It is, in effect, a social club for people who sometimes enjoy the company of others who think a little quicker or see a slightly bigger picture than the average. The word ‘Mensa’ is Latin for ‘Table’ and signifies that we are a round-table organisation, where all members’ values are equal.

There are branches in all four major centres in South Africa, and the local KZN branch is active with about one meeting per month. The meetings vary between social gatherings and ones of a more mentally stimulating nature.

Should you wish to write the test, it is essential that you book your place by email at kzn.testingofficer@mensa.org.za.

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